Name: Chlora
Age: 16
A peppy yet airheaded girl whose clumsiness is only rivaled by her love for reading. Chlora is very intelligent, having a lot of knowledge of various different subjects, specially old novels and their history, though she also often comes off as someone who's in her own world, disconnected from her surroundings. She can be quite clumsy and sometimes seems kinda dizzy, occasionally tripping over her own legs, but never really seems to mind that much, always getting back up with a smile in her face. Her love for reading extends to writing, with her having written a fair amount of stories herself. Though she loves eating paper, she avoids eating anything of value, having a deep respect for the preservation of writing.
Likes: Reading, writing, eating paper, bitter food
Dislikes: Grape juice
A somewhat clumsy-looking Chlora. Despite it looking like that orange book is about to fall, rest assured that she'd try her hardest to catch it. Regardless of how successful she is at that, she can be quite careful with books.
With this one you can get a clear view of how Chlora's eyes look beneath her glasses. Chlora can generally see well from a distance and mostly struggles with seeing things from close, she reads so much that she's more often than not seen with her glasses on.
Though Eggy and Viola seem to be the ones most interested in having fun at the beach, Raran enjoys playing quite a bit. While Chlora doesn't share the same amount of enthusiasm as them, she isn't against that either, though she'd have a lot of fun on her own simply reading some books while enjoying the beach's atmosphere.