Names: Eko and Cocoa
Ages: 22 (Eko), 7 (Cocoa)
Species: Elf (Eko), trumpet bird (Cocoa)
Eko is a charismatic commentator bunnygirl who always tries to keep her audience entertained, no matter what she's commenting on. Very aware of her physical appearance, she loves to put a good show, caring a lot about her job and treating it as a serious business, often trying to keep an upbeat and energetic persona when in public. However, in private she can be quite a bit more low-key, often seeming more tired or even lazy, mostly only showing that side of her when at home, and to her few close friends. Cocoa, a trumpet bird, is her pet and companion, who helps her commentate by immitating her voice through her trumpet-like mouth. She doesn't have the same worry about her public image as Eko, and mostly just tries to have fun.
Likes: Money, chocolate, beer, though only at home, big band music (Eko), chocolate, cold tea, watching bugs walk by (Cocoa)
Eko's dislikes: Spicy food, door-to-door salesmen, people who make advances on her (Eko), carrot juice, long baths (Cocoa)