
Name: Spearfisher Javelyn
Age: 19
Species: Human
A spunky young fisher from Serain Village. She can be a little reckless at times, but has a huge heart and is willing to fight for anyone in need. She's a huge appreciator of anything related to water and is full of curiosity for the secrets that the world hides.
Smarter than she seems at first, her upbeat personality is a result of her personal lifestyle choices, being a person who often likes to spread love and positivity, but she still has a playful and teasy side. She embarked on a journey to find a mysterious prismatic beast that she saw at one point during her childhood, having no recollection of her life from before that event.
Likes: Fishing, swimming, rainy days, anything strawberry-flavored
Dislikes: Coffee, waking up late, overly-complicated technology

Daydream: Ripple Ribbon


Javelyn striking a fun pose alongside her fishing rod. She's a very lively character, isn't she? A fishing rod is something that you'd usually associate with calmness, as fishing is a generally calm activity, yet she still shows her energetic side regardless.

A showcase of Javelyn's Daydream, Ripple Ribbon. This one has the kind of pose that you'd expect out of someone who's ready for a fight. She even brought her spear! Ripple Ribbon has more uses than just for combat, but it goes very well with cool poses.

In a way, Javelyn is very lucky to have grown up in a place with such frequent rain when you consider how much she likes to be around water. Her body is very used to such an environment, it's not very common for her to catch colds and such.

Javelyn wearing a sundress. Sundresses are very cute, aren't they? Javelyn in particular I think looks great wearing them. They're among some of her favorite kinds of clothing to wear, besides her usual fish-patterned dress.

Fishing something during a sunset. There are some very fun sense of reward with this, the feeling of fishing something surprising right around the end of the day.

A brief display of her many fish-related thoughts. The background in this drawing is mostly just a gradient, but it's kinda meant to resemble a beach.

Javelyn in sleepwear. In some of this outfit's appearences in some of the early chapters of Ripple Memories, the hat is missing, but she very much does have it. Maybe she just wasn't feeling like wearing it during those occasions? In any case, Javelyn's sleepwear is very loose and casual, she doesn't think very hard about what she should wear for sleeping, the only aesthetical flavor to it is the hat.

Javelyn wearing snowy clothes. That ice spear is interesting to think about, how was it made? Do you think that she just found it somewhere, or did she use something to freeze her own water in such way that it has the shape of a spear? I imagine that a snowy environment like that can be cold enough that just the general temperature can be enough to freeze her water, so the latter is certainly a possibility.

Javelyn bathing. She's a huge lover of anything water-related, and that includes baths! It's very convenient for her that something that she enjoys a lot also happens to be good for her hygiene. Unrelated to that, but the Faulker-like rubber duck is an aspect of this drawing that I'm a big fan of.

This doesn't look like a particularly rainy environment, so you might be wondering why that rainbow is showing up. The truth is, in Gaia, rainbows can sometimes fall from the sky for no concrete reason, almost at complete random. It's not a highly likely situation, but it can happen!

Fun fact, Javelyn's birthday is on March 22! This drawing was made to celebrate it.

Though strawberries are Javelyn's favorite kind of food, she still enjoys many different kinds of sweet food, from fruits to candies. Her enjoying candy might feel a bit surprising, considering that she spent a lot of her life living in a location where the most easily accessible kinds of food were natural things such as fish and fruits, but perhaps not always having easy access to candies made them taste much better whenever she could get her hands on them.

A design for if Javelyn was a magical girl. Magical girl designs can be very fun, I have many friends with magical girl characters and that kind of idea can bring out some really neat-looking stuff. I'd say that Javelyn's design is one that can lend itself decently well to some magical girl design ideas, I like how this looks!

I wanna be honest, I'm not sure about what exactly I was aiming for when I drew this one. Perhaps some kind of beachwear? I don't know. But it looks nice at least.

Hit the water & have fun! I like how Javelyn's hair looks in this drawing, it looks very soft and flowy. She wears her ribbon often and looks good while doing so, but she also looks good without it.

Javelyn wearing a maid dress. If she'd make for a good maid or not is debatable, but regardless, she'd enjoy wearing an adorable maid dress. Javelyn is the kind of character who wouldn't mind wearing a lot of different kinds of clothing, specially if they look cute.

It's not an oddity at all for Javelyn to bathe fully clothed. It's not something that she always does, but it's not exactly uncommon either, she's already used to her clothes being wet due to her time living in Serain Village, so from her point of view, it's really not that strange for her to be clothed during baths and showers and such.

A detail of Javelyn's design not commonly seen is what she usually wears under her dress, that being a sports bra and some shorts. The shorts in question aren't the ones in this image, but the sports bra is.

This one showcases a few of the sea creatures that live in the beaches and rivers near Serain Village. Javelyn is there mostly just for the sake of it, but if you really think about it, she's kind of a sea creature of her own.

Despite the main point of this image, Javelyn is actually mostly just neutral towards milk, though I can see her having quite a liking for strawberry milk.

The carrot-like spear is a fun part of this one. I wonder about if it's edible.

Javelyn isn't usually great at cooking, but she tries her best. Shout-out to Leon's appearance in this one.

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