
Name: Toto
Age: 4
Birthday: May 17
Species: Azure Wolf
A wolf who suddenly appeared in Serain Village three or so years ago. It's presumed that he got lost from his pack at a young age, fell into a river and ended up in a completely different part of the continent.
He never left the village ever since, becoming a pet of sorts to the villagers. While his species is typically hostile, Toto himself is tame and laid-back, rarely ever becoming aggressive.
Likes: Fish, food leftovers
Dislikes: Hot days


Toto's design is one that I like quite a bit, it's simple but in a charming way and there's a very fun energy to it. A wolf is an animal that you'd expect to be fierce and quite intimidating, yet Toto visually doesn't come off like that at all, despite still looking like a wolf. He's looks quite cute and silly.

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