
Name: Viola
Age: 16
A young, peppy painter who can create paint with her hair. Lively and full of energy, Viola often catches the attention of those around her with her charisma, sometimes also being a bit of a prankster.
However, she can also be a bit unattentive and careless, letting herself get carried away with her energy. She has a very spontaneous style when it comes to drawing, drawing anything that comes to her mind whenever she wants, to the point of sometimes even painting on walls, trees and such. She can be a bit arrogant when it comes to her art, often believing herself to be one of the greatest artists of all time.
Her best friend is Raran, an artist with a very distinct style from hers, but who nonetheless meshes with her well, with the two often being seen together.
Likes: Painting, mixing beverages, comic books
Dislikes: Whenever water erases her drawings, bitter food


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